Phoenix Display Blog

Putting Cost in Context When Designing Profitable Products

By Keith Mitnik / April 26, 2023
When most companies think of creating profitable products, balancing the price against the costs required to make the product is the usual equation that comes to mind. However, the best way to approach custom LCD design is by recognizing cost’s importance - and then considering it in the context of the overall system level cost. Here’s why....
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Topics: Quality, Cost, LCD Display

Keys To LCD Display Success When Designing New Products

By Keith Mitnik / March 22, 2023
One of the most fun parts of running a company that designs and manufactures LCD display modules is when customers come to us with a new product idea. But, this doesn’t mean the new design process is always easy. To ensure your design of LCD panels and displays is ideal,, you’ll need to also ensure you’re working with one of the top LCD ...
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Topics: LCD Display, new display products

How Saying No To 90% Of Customers Has Fueled Our Growth

By Keith Mitnik / March 15, 2023
When most entrepreneurs talk about how they’ve achieved growth, they usually discuss customer acquisition. But when I’m asked this question, my answer is very different. I credit something else with my company’s growth: selectivity with our clients. In fact, we’ve turned down 90% of potential clients, and said yes to only 10%. Here’s how this ...
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Topics: Insider, Quality, LCD Manufacturing

Why Cost Is Important, But Is The Last Reason To Think About Changing Suppliers

By Keith Mitnik / February 14, 2023
If you’ve read my bookand our posts, you’ve heard about the five main supply chain problems for LCD displays: obsolescence, delivery, quality, performance and cost. Many people think cost is a major driving force in why a manufacturer thinks about changing their supplier, but it’s actually the last one. Here’s a look at why LCD manufacturing cost ...
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Topics: Cost, LCD, LCD Manufacturing

A Key Advantage Of New Product Design & How To Maximize It

By Keith Mitnik / November 29, 2022
Even though there are many challenges inherent in designing a new product from scratch, you also have a big advantage when you go this route: you aren’t trying to fix a failing relationship with an existing supplier. Instead, you’re making a fresh start. To maximize the benefits of this, it’s important to choose a supplier for your new product ...
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Topics: Custom Designs, custom LCD Display

When It’s Time To Make Changes In Your LCD Supply Chain

By Keith Mitnik / October 17, 2022
Most of our clients over the years come to us when they have an overwhelming, obvious problem. But how do you know if your problem is big enough to require major changes on your part? For example, could you improve supply chain performance and create a more optimized supply chain by changing suppliers? Here’s a look at the idea of making change, ...
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Topics: LCD, Supply Chain

Watch Out For These 4 Warning Signs With Your Supplier

By Keith Mitnik / July 25, 2022
When the health of your business depends on delivering a quality product and keeping your customers happy, you can’t afford to deal with supplier problems. In fact, your relationship with your LCD supplier is a key business partnership that can impact every area of your business more than you might realize. In order to keep your company running ...
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Topics: Supplier Problems, Supply Chain Risks

A Proven Method to Assess Your Supply Chain Risks

By Keith Mitnik / July 08, 2022
Working with the LCD supply chain has always come with certain risks, but they’ve only increased over the past couple of years. As the pandemic disrupted businesses and freight logistics, supply chain risks have multiplied. If you’re worried about maintaining your product quality, or simply want to understand the risks you face, here are six ...
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Topics: Quality, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Risks

Delivery - Second of 5 Problems - Why Would You Ever Call.... LCD Display Series

By Keith Mitnik / November 19, 2020
One of most common of the 5 problems is the actual delivery of your displays. Delivery is simply your schedule....
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Topics: Delivery, Obsolescence, Lead Time, Quality, Cost, Performance, LCD, Phoenix Display International, new display products, full-color LCD touchscreens, custom LCD Display

Obsolescence First of 5 Problems Why Would You Ever Call.... LCD Display Series

By Keith Mitnik / June 16, 2020
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Topics: Delivery, Obsolescence, Lead Time, Quality, Cost, Performance, LCD, Phoenix Display International, new display products, full-color LCD touchscreens, custom LCD Display